Start with the free tier

You get 5 free users. No credit card needed.

Up to 5 users
USD / month
USD / month
Billed monthly, prorated
USD / month
Billed hourly pay-as-you-go
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† The monthly subscription for Yarkon Cloud is paid monthly through your credit card account. Payment is due once a month, on the same time the subscription started. The total cost is prorated. Proration is done hourly; the total cost is be based on the number of active users aggregated across all hours of a month. Charges are for the coming month and include any proration adjustments for the previous month. Invoices are sent by email. We do not offer refunds, but you can cancel any time.

‡ The AWS Marketplace subscription to Yarkon follows the terms specified by AWS and available from the Marketplace. Same as any other AWS "Pay as you go" service, charges are accumulated hourly. The total hourly software charge for Yarkon Cloud is based on the number of active users during that hour. The total hourly software charge for Yarkon Server is based on the total number of users allowed by the specific license. The full pricing details are available from the respective AWS Marketplace listing. Hourly charges are aggregated for the full cycle of your AWS payment, usually monthly. Yarkon charges will be included by AWS on your AWS bill, so you have no direct charges from Yarkon. In addition to the Yarkon software charges, you are responsible to the AWS infrastructure costs, based on your specific set up. See our AWS Marketplace listings for a projected infrastructure cost based on common set ups and usage patterns. We do not offer refunds, but you can cancel any time.

See the subscriptions page for the complete details.